Blazing Fast US Proxies
Experience the freedom of the open internet with our high-performance US proxy servers. Our dedicated proxies shield your online activity with robust anonymity so you can browse securely and privately.
High Performance & Speed
Experience buffer-free entertainment and lightning-fast speed with our optimized US servers.
Multiple Cities and Subnets
Enjoy faster loading times and smoother browsing with our servers strategically distributed across the US.
Highly Compatible
Enjoy unrestricted browsing on your favorite device with our versatile US proxy solution.
Get USA Proxies from InstantProxies
Resp. Time
Unrestricted Bandwidth
Say goodbye to data limitations! Our unlimited bandwidth and high-performance USA servers keep you productive.
Elite Anonymity
Enjoy the highest level of IP anonymity. Browse privately and securely.
Non-sequential IP Addresses
Access the web with ease. Our non-sequential IPs distribute traffic efficiently and minimizes CAPTCHAs for a frustration-free browsing.
Advanced Control Panel
Our control panel provides a suite of tools for managing proxies and testing browser privacy.
Stay up-to-date on local news and access your favorite shows from abroad with our proxies in the US.
Enjoy unrestricted internet access on any device with our private US proxies.
Overcome throttling and enjoy blazing-fast downloads with our dedicated US proxies.
What are US Proxies ?
USA proxy servers act as intermediaries between your device and the internet. They route your web traffic through a server located in the United States which gives you a US IP address.
This can be helpful for accessing content and websites that are only available in the US. Additionally, some users choose USA proxies to improve their online privacy and security when surfing the web.
Dedicated USA Proxies for Private and Anonymous Browsing
Work smarter and browse safer with our dedicated US proxies. Enhance your online productivity and maintain privacy with our private proxies in the USA.
Here’s how our proxies can benefit you:
Improved security
Browse confidently on any network with the added anonymity and security of our US proxy servers.
Faster loading speed
Reduce lag, improve ping, and dominate the web with our ultra-low latency US servers.
Access region-exclusive shows and websites from anywhere in the world with our strategically distributed US servers. Explore the internet like a local, no matter where you travel.
Easy Setup with InstantProxies
Test our Proxies
Choose the number of proxies and your purpose. Then, click "Test Now".
Fill in the order form. Share only your name and email.
Order securely and pay via credit card, Paypal, or Bitcoin.
Start Proxy-ing!
Access your private proxies within minutes!
What users say about our Proxies
Test our US Proxy Servers before ordering!
Select your Plan
$10 /month
2 Cities
4 Subnets
Unlimited Bandwidth
No lock-in period
Cancel anytime
Need Custom Plan?
Available Cities
Buy private US proxies for $1 per IP address. Contact support for your preferred locations!
- Phoenix, AZ
- Fresno, CA
- Los Angeles, CA
- Pasadena, CA
- San Jose, CA
- Santa Clara, CA
- Denver, CO
- Washington, D.C.
- Miami, FL
- Atlanta, GA
- Chicago, IL
- Lombard, IL
- Mount Prospect, IL
- New Orleans, LA
- Henderson, NV
- Edison, NJ
- Jersey City, NJ
- Santa Fe, NM
- Brockport, NY
- Buffalo, NY
- New York, NY
- Rochester, NY
- Columbus, OH
- Oklahoma City, OK
- Portland, OR
- Providence, RI
- Austin, TX
- Dallas, TX
- Ashburn, VA
- Seattle, WA