
Buy Proxies for $1 per IP

InstantProxies.com is different. Here’s our guarantee:

Working Proxies

Our proxies will work great for your purpose or we can find ones that do!

Always Online

Our network is online over 99.99% of the time and publicly tracked.

Great Team

Our team will always respond within 24 hours and often within minutes.


Or we’ll offer a 100% refund on your latest payment.

Test Proxies before Purchase!

Select your Plan


$10 /month

2 Cities
4 Subnets
Unlimited Bandwidth
No lock-in period
Cancel anytime

Need Custom Plan?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find your purpose on the availability checker tool?

Fill out our custom proxies order form  and our team will get in touch within 24 hours.

Do you offer refunds?

Yes. We have 7 days money-back guarantee.

Can I refresh my proxies?

You can request new proxies once a month when renewal is paid. No automatic request. Please contact us.

What is your connection limit?

There are no specific restrictions on how many simultaneous connections you can use. Though in practice, running a lot of threads can cause a natural degradation in performance. We suggest experimenting with the actual number of threads and find what works best for you.

What is your upgrade policy?

Upgrading your plan grants you a partial refund for the unused days. Keeps your next billing date the same, and allows you to retain your existing proxies. But if you’d prefer fresh proxies for your upgraded plan, simply contact us and send an upgrade request.

What payments do you accept?

We accept Stripe, Paypal and Bitcoin payments.

When will I get my proxies?

Upon completion of payment, you will receive an email with your account details instantly.


How to Get Started with InstantProxies

Test our Proxies

Choose the number of proxies and your purpose. Then, click "Test Now".


Fill in the order form. Share only your name and email.


Order securely and pay via credit card, Paypal, or Bitcoin.

Start Proxy-ing!

Access your private proxies within minutes!

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